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Big Pub Quiz

Evening Activities

Big Pub Quiz

10 - 200

Guest Numbers

1 - 2.5 Hours






Compete for glory!

Teams compete in a series of pub quiz rounds and activities for prizes and the ultimate glory of being crowned quiz champions! All the fun of a pub quiz with classic rounds as well as added audio, visual and practical rounds.

Rounds can include:

Intro Round (Audio Round) – Teams identify the popular song from its intro.

General Knowledge (Quiz Round) – One for the braniacs. A variety of general knowledge questions guaranteed to be a pain in the brain!

Observation Round (Audio & Visual Round) – Teams are shown a clip from a popular TV show and must watch carefully as questions will be asked about what they’ve just seen.

Celebrity Mash Up (Visual Round) – Teams are shown famous faces fused together and must identify both celebrities.

Linguistic Equations (Quiz Round) – Not as scary as they sound but still a brain buster! Teams must identify the popular numerical saying. For example, 365=DIAY.

Extreme Close Up (Visual Round) – Teams must identify common household items that have been photographed REALLY close up!

Giraffe (Practical Round) – Teams compete to build the tallest free-standing giraffe out of newspapers! Lots of fun but also requires skill, science and even engineering! (Yes, honestly!)

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