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Scene on Screen Team Building Game

Creative and Artistic

Scene on Screen Team Building Game

10 - 200+

Guest Numbers

2 - 3 Hours






Collaborative and competitive...

Recreate some golden moments from the big and small screen in this fun, collaborative and competitive team building event. Teams must visit different activity areas set around a classic moment in film and TV. The challenges are incredibly fun, but they also require excellent team work and encourage creativity, and improves problem solving and communication skills.

THE BIG PIANO  – Recreate the classic scene from the film “BIG” by learning and playing a tune on our giant walk-on floor piano! Mastering the tune requires co-ordination, team work and total commitment from all team members!

PIECE OF CAKE  – Follow in the footsteps of ‘The Great British Bake Off’ and design and make a showstopper cake(s)! How adventurous will you be?

THE CRYSTAL MAZE  – Teams must work together to solve trials and activities to win themselves crystals.

CSI – Share information, analyse the evidence and solve the murder to crack the case to ensure justice is done.

GA GA FASHION  – As Chief stylists on the new Lady Gaga music video, teams must use materials provided to design and create an outfit that is gloriously Ga Ga!

EVENT BENEFITS: Team spirit, time management, communication, co-ordination, healthy competition, logical problem solving, tactical thinking, creativity, leadership social interaction and a fun team building activity with an exciting conclusion.

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