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Kokedama Making For Events

Creative and Artistic

Kokedama Making For Events

10 - 100

Guest Numbers

1 - 1.5 Hours






Learn this Ancient Japanese art form

In this creative workshop guests create their very own kokedama  –  tropical plants wrapped up in a ball of soil and moss.

The Japanese word kokedama literally means ‘moss ball’. This ancient Japanese art form is still popular in Japanese gardens today, as well as being the newest botanical craze to sweep the planet! Planted arrangements are growing in popularity, replacing cut flower arrangements as a more eco friendly way of decorating our homes with nature.

Hosted by our expert, guests will be given a demonstration on traditional planting and wrapping techniques and how to mix ‘poor man’s bonsai’ soil! Guests then get their hands dirty mixing their soil, applying their moss and wrapping their plants.

Kokedama can either be displayed on an ornamental plate or strung up for added kokedama drama! We’ll teach guests how to make a macrame string cradle to hang their kokedama in and guests will make various projects so they can try out different plants, techniques and display options.

Not only do kokedama look stunning, but they are also wonderfully low maintenance! We’ll give advice on how to care for them so that even the self-confessed plant killers can get theirs to thrive! At the end of the activity, guests will take home their unique plant arrangements to give as gifts, or bring a bit of nature indoors.

Benefits: Connecting with nature, creativity, eco-awareness, learning new skills, mindfulness, morale boost, relaxation, self-expression, sense of achievement, shared experience, social interaction, stress relief, team bonding, wellbeing and fun!

What is included: Event hosts, instructors, all materials, tools, equipment, selection of house plants, gloves, aprons, table covers, bags to take projects home and aftercare information sheets.

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