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Virtual Master of Tasks


Virtual Master of Tasks

Bring One of our most popular events to your living room!

Hosted by our flamboyant game show host, in the virtual TV studio, we bring one of our most popular events to your living room!

Guests compete in some ridiculously fun activities using Zoom, where they can be arranged into teams. Volunteers from each team are then called upon to take part in the activities. Rounds include a selection of practical challenges that use household items such as:

Best Foot Forward – contestants use their imaginations to somehow make the best footprint.

Super Ace Face Race – contestants race to manoeuvre a chocolate biscuit (or whatever they can find in the cupboard!) from their foreheads into their mouths.

Use Your Head – contestants race to put something on their heads without using their hands.

Celebri-Knee – contestants use what they can to make their knee look like a celebrity.

Throwing Shade – contestants must make an image out of shadows.

Baggy Trousers – contestants are challenged to fit as many items as they can in their trousers.

Tear It Up – contestants attempt to make a picture by tearing a piece of paper.

Going Out Out – contestants race to put on as many clothes as they can.

Each game requires some creative thinking to interpret the brief and teams can come up with some amazing (and often hilarious) practical solutions to each challenge we set them.

Scores are kept as we go along and the proud winners will receive our virtual pats on the back as well as some fun prizes in the post!

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